Teller Report

We lived better against the PP

11/1/2019, 8:24:40 AM

"We lived better against the PP," a friend snapped at me the other day. Needless to say, leftist. "Do you believe?" I asked him with no other intention than to gain time to think. "Without

"We lived better against the PP , " a friend snapped at me the other day. Needless to say, leftist. "Do you believe?" I asked him with no other intention than to gain time to think. "Without a doubt," he settled categorically. And we both thought.

Manuel Vázquez Montalbán is credited with the original phrase - "against Franco we lived better" - which has had many exegetes, but without clear conclusions for all. Some consider frivolous to affirm that, even if it is against it, one can live better under

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