Teller Report

The passenger spoke about the actions of the crew landed in Tyumen SSJ-100

11/1/2019, 5:28:09 PM

The passenger of the SSJ-100 aircraft, which made an emergency landing in Tyumen due to engine failure, Andrei Makarov said that the crew worked correctly during the emergency. According to him, there was no panic on board.

“Everyone reacted calmly. The stewardesses worked very competently, gave all the instructions on landing, the crew commander made recommendations. The commander said that we are producing fuel and are returning to Roshchino. We didn’t see the flames, ”TASS quoted him as saying.

He also said that during take-off, the passengers of the aircraft felt five to six shocks. In his opinion, the SSJ-100 was trying to gain height and at the same time it was slowing down.

Earlier it became known that the SSJ-100 made a safe landing at the Tyumen airport.

Later it turned out that the cause of engine failure in the SSJ-100 was a bird hit.