Teller Report

"I'll be back": Terminator and Sarah Connor keep their promises in a new album

11/1/2019, 10:54:35 PM

"I'll be back": Terminator and Sarah Connor keep their promises in a new album

Los Angeles (AFP)

"At every film, the Terminator is a little different," stresses Arnold Schwarzenegger. Since his first success on the screen in 1984, the cybernetic assassin has evolved so much over the various episodes that he finished "curtain salesman" in his last incarnation, "Terminator: Dark Fate".

"The first Terminator was content to crush everything and destroy everything.The second was a protector.At present, I developed a consciousness in this film," says AFP actor made famous by his role as cyborg "model T-800 ".

That the fans are reassured, if it became more human, Terminator is far from having laid down the arms. And the ingredients that made the first two films stand out have not changed: crazy pursuit races in the car, in the air or underwater, spectacular shootings and special effects-enhanced battle scenes.

"Terminator: Dark Fate" revives especially one of the key elements of its success: Linda Hamilton, more angry than ever in her role of Sarah Connor.

The film may well be in 2022, it takes the story where "Terminator 2: The Last Judgment" had left in 1991, ignoring what may have happened in the following episodes: Sarah Connor was successful to avoid eradication in the distant future of the human race by machines with artificial intelligence, called Skynet.

- "Reversal" -

The decision to resume this iconic role, 28 years later, was not easy for Linda Hamilton, she told AFP before the release of the film in the United States. "Really, at first, I did not know if I wanted to, it took me a long time to accept," says Linda Hamilton.

More than the audience, "I was afraid to disappoint Sarah Connor," she says. "You know, all these years, I thought that the first two movies were very successful and I refused to do more, mainly because James Cameron was not involved," recalls the actress.

The director of the first two opus is not only producer of "Dark Fate" but also participated in writing the script, even if it is Tim Miller ("Deadpool") who is behind the camera.

Desperate and aimless, "Sarah Connor lost her humanity while the character played by Arnold is more human and I like this reversal", summarizes Lina Hamilton, anxious not to reveal all the springs of "Dark Fate".

- The hormones that express themselves -

Sarah Connor has taken a few wrinkles but has also won a lot. She finds a new reason to be in the protection of her modern alter ego, Dani Ramos (Natalia Reyes) that an umpteenth Terminator arisen from the future (Gabriel Luna), ever more sophisticated, still seeks to murder by all means, in chasing her from Mexico to Texas.

A human "augmented" by technology, played by Mackenzie Davis, is also in the game.

The price to pay for Linda Hamilton? A year of grueling physical exercise and an unpleasant experience of the effects of testosterone prescribed by his doctor to help "muscle-building".

"One day I was angry and I could not sleep, my blood pressure was high, I was dead, I understood that it was the hormones that were expressed (...) Si that's what it's like to be a man, thank you very much! ", recalls the 63-year-old actress.

Former "Mr. Universe", Arnold Schwarzenegger continues to train "every day, it's not like I have to start all over again".

For him, the main challenge remains linked to the omnipresence of special effects: "You must always jump in all directions but it becomes more tedious, because now you often work with things that do not exist. a green screen. "

And Linda, who flies to Terminator his worship replica in "Dark Fate"? "It depends on the performance of the film, which really cost a lot," she says.

"It was supposed to be the beginning of a trilogy, I could come back again" if the success is there, reveals Linda Hamilton.

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