Teller Report

The Hydrometeorological Center explained the upcoming warming in Moscow

10/31/2019, 11:46:30 AM

The supervisor of the Hydrometeorological Center, Roman Vilfand, spoke about warming on a holiday weekend in Moscow.

“Warming, and noticeable. It’s due to the fact that after the cold weather that was observed today and will be observed tomorrow, Moscow will be on the eastern periphery of the cyclone, warm air will flow, ”Wilfand quotes Interfax.

On Saturday, the temperature will rise to +2 ... + 4 ° С, on Sunday it will be +1 ... + 5 ° С.

It is noted that wind gusts will reach predominantly 5–10 m / s, and icing is possible on roads.

However, significant precipitation is not expected due to high atmospheric pressure.

“Gloomy weather, very little rain,” said Villefand.

It is specified that on Monday the air temperature will be +4 ... + 9 ° С, on Tuesday afternoon - +6 ... + 11 ° С.

Presumably, such a temperature background will persist on Wednesday.

Earlier it was reported that the positive temperature will return to the capital on Friday, November 1.