Teller Report

The effective job offer ratio in September was 1.57 times, which remained below the previous month's high level.

10/31/2019, 11:39:40 PM

Effective job offer ratio indicating how many jobs are available from companies for one job seeker is 1.57 times in September, lower than the previous month ...

Effective job offer ratio in September was 1.57 times, lower than the previous month, but continued to be at a high level on November 1 at 8:33

The effective job offer ratio, which shows how many jobs are available from companies for one person seeking a job, was 1.57 times in September, which was lower than the previous month but remained at a high level.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, the effective job offer ratio in September was 1.57 times excluding seasonal fluctuation factors, 0.02 points below August.

The active job offer ratio has been below 1.6 times for the third consecutive month, but it remains at a high level.

By prefecture, the highest was 2.06 times in Tokyo, followed by 2.01 times in Okayama Prefecture, twice in Ishikawa Prefecture, 1.99 times in Hiroshima Prefecture, and 1.96 times in Fukui Prefecture.

On the other hand, the lowest was Kanagawa Prefecture with 1.16 times, followed by Nagasaki Prefecture and Okinawa Prefecture with 1.19 times, Hokkaido with 1.21 times, and Aomori Prefecture with 1.22 times.

New job openings from companies were down 1.5% from the same month last year, compared to 7.2% for new job seekers.

According to the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, although job offers from companies are decreasing in some manufacturing industries, the ratio of effective job offers continues to be high and the employment situation is improving.