Teller Report

Positive indicators: weather forecasters predict a warming during the November holidays

10/31/2019, 4:36:34 PM

On Friday, November 1, the Atlantic cyclone, which will bring warm air, will approach Moscow, the Hydrometeorological Center reported. The weather will be cloudy, light snow may pass. According to weather forecasters, by the end of the week the air will warm up to + 3 ... + 5 ° С, and on November 5, the thermometer columns can exceed the record for this day mark +10.3 ° С.

By November 1, in Russia, the cyclone will be replaced by an anticyclone, precipitation will stop. This was reported by TASS chief specialist of the Hydrometeorological Center Maria Makarova. According to her, the danger of icy conditions will continue until Sunday, November 3.

According to the forecast of the Hydrometeorological Center, by November 3, subzero temperatures will be replaced by positive indicators. As the organization explained, "the western cyclones of the next series will again have more northern trajectories, so warmer weather will return to the middle zone of European Russia."

The chief specialist of the Phobos weather center, Evgeni Tishkovets, in an interview with RT, explained that warming will indeed come, but at first it will be insignificant.

“We’ll freeze for a day. On the night of Friday, an intermediate ridge will drop in, so we can do without precipitation, freeze to -2 ... -4 ° C in Moscow and to -1 ... -6 ° C in the suburbs. In the afternoon, the front associated with the Atlantic cyclone will pass. Therefore, it will be cloudy, light snow, modest warming up to 0 ... + 2 ° C in Moscow and -2 ... + 3 ° C in the region, ”the weather forecaster explained.

  • © Roman Galkin / RIA Novosti

Closer to the weekend, airflow from the southwest will be more stable. According to Tishkovets, Atlantic heat mixes with local air, the thermometer columns will gradually grow. By Sunday, November 3, during the day + 3 ... + 5 ° С is expected.

At the beginning of next week, the temperature will rise a little more, once again exceeding the norm by several degrees.

“On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (November 4-6. - RT) it will be quite warm, during the day around + 5 ... + 13 ° С, even at night it will not be cooler + 4 ... + 9 ° С. For the beginning of November it is very warm. While the establishment of a permanent snow cover is not planned, although the climate this happens at the end of November, "- concluded the chief specialist of the weather center" Phobos ".

Unstable weather

According to the Moscow Weather Bureau, October turned out to be record warm for the capital, although in recent days the weather has more likely had a winter character. A similar alternation will continue in the coming days, said Tatyana Pozdnyakova, chief specialist of the Moscow Weather Bureau.

“The weather in late October and early November cannot be called stable, because the waves of heat and cold will alternate,” said the weather forecaster.

Last night, according to the Moscow Weather Bureau, was the coldest for all of October. In the region, the thermometer posts dropped to -6 ° C. According to Pozdnyakova, this is due to the fact that the capital was in the rear of a very deep and extensive cyclone, which opened up access to the Arctic air. On the last day of the month it will continue to arrive, temperature indicators will be slightly negative. On the night of November 1, snow may fall.

“Due to the fact that the weather will be more cloudy, the temperature at night will not be as low as the day before. In Moscow, we expect a minimum temperature of -1 ... -3 ° C, it is possible that in lower places of the relief the temperature can drop to -6 ° C, ”the meteorologist noted.

On the afternoon of November 1, the weather in the capital will be mostly cloudy, the Moscow Weather Bureau reported. Partly light snow can pass, in the afternoon the temperature rises to + 1 ... + 3 ° С. In the following days, a positive temperature will prevail both during the day and at night. The most comfortable weather is expected on November 4. At night, the thermometer columns will not fall below + 3 ... + 4 ° C, during the day the air warms up to + 7 ... + 8 ° C.

“On November 5, it is possible that the previous maximum of the daily temperature will be closed, it is predicted that the temperature will be about +10 ° C, and the daily record for the fifth day is +10.3 ° C. It was observed in 1922 and in 2013. So it is possible that the beginning of November will please a record still warm, ”concluded Pozdnyakova.

Slippery on the roads ❄️
Observe distance, interval and caution.
Take care - do not leave without winter tires. # AMPP # Moscow parking # road assistance / 0Psq5mGkQG

- Moscow Parking (@parking_mos_ru) October 31, 2019

Due to the unstable weather, Moscow drivers were warned of possible icing on the roads. In particular, this was reported in the Twitter account of GKU "Administrator of the Moscow parking space."

“The roads are slippery. Observe distance, interval and caution. Take care of yourself - do not leave without winter tires, ”the center said in a statement.

Earlier in this regard, in Moscow announced a "yellow" level of weather hazard. The corresponding warning of the Hydrometeorological center is valid until 20:00 on November 1.