Teller Report

Health: How to be ready for the "No Smoking Month"?

10/31/2019, 10:18:34 AM

While the & quot; No Tobacco Month & quot; starts on Friday, Europe 1 gives you some tips to be ready to face this daunting challenge of stopping smoking. & nbsp;

As "No Tobacco Month" begins on Friday, Europe 1 gives you some tips on how to get ready for this tough challenge of quitting smoking.


Are you ready to stop smoking for a whole month? Friday, the Ministry of Health organizes with Public Health France and Health Insurance the fourth edition of the Month without tobacco, which offers since 2016 to stop smoking for a month. An ambitious goal, far from being obvious to reach for the inveterate smoker. Europe 1 gives you some tips to help you prepare for this healthy challenge.

Preparing to quit smoking, it must first scream on all roofs, warning loved ones and friends that we start, to avoid for example a colleague does not come to get you for a cigarette break.

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The ideal is also to have anticipated, by choosing in advance its method of helping with weaning, when only 3% of smokers can stop without any help. The chances of success multiply when one consults a tobacco specialist, while the electronic cigarette can also help some smokers. Finally, nicotine substitutes are a valuable aid. Patches, for example, are effective in 50% of cases and are now fully reimbursed.

"Just having a prescription ..."

"Today, these drugs are reimbursed like any other medicine," confirms Olivier Smadja, head of Tobacco Info Service, at the microphone of Europe 1. "It is enough to have a prescription, which can be established by doctors but also midwives, nurses, physiotherapists and dentists, and if you need it for two years, you can be reimbursed for these treatments for two years. "

Useful aids, and that will allow you to reach your goal. As a reminder, a month without smoking is to multiply by five his chances to stop for good.