Teller Report

A month in Mongolia without water or electricity: Cécile de France and Fabienne Berthaud recount the shooting of "A bigger world"

10/31/2019, 2:06:34 PM

Cécile de France and Fabienne Berthaud came to Europe on Thursday, presenting their film "A Greater World" inspired by a true story and now in theaters. A feature film shot for a month in Mongolia, without water or electricity.

Cécile de France and Fabienne Berthaud came to Europe 1 on Thursday to present their film "A World Greater", inspired by a true story and now in theaters. A feature film shot for a month in Mongolia, without water or electricity.


Fabienne Berthaud, the director of Un monde plus grand and her actress Cécile de France, told the story of Anne Roumanoff's " Ça fait du bien" , on Thursday, about Europe 1, the incredible adventure represented by filming of this movie in Mongolia.

In A Bigger World , at the cinema since Wednesday, Cécile de France plays Corine Sombrun, a Parisian who recorded traditional songs in Mongolia after the death of her husband. An adventure during which she discovers a gift for shamanism. A film inspired by the true story of Corine Sombrun, which she recounted in her book entitled My initiation in shamans .

The film crew left to turn A bigger world in Mongolia for a month. "There was no water, no electricity, it's a bit of a homecoming, which proves that you can really do cinema without great comfort", notes Fabienne Berthaud ( Barefoot on slugs , Sky ).

At the pace of the Tsaatans

To live a month without comfort and without Internet did not pose any problem to Cécile de France. "On the contrary, I found that it was a privilege to rub shoulders with the lives of these Tsaatans, this nomadic Siberian people who are one of the last in Asia, a little doomed to disappear, who live in interdependence with nature, who 'need nothing and live for their animals,' marvels the actress at the Spanish inn .

In this region of Mongolia, no laptops. So when, three days before the start of the shooting, the Tsaatans did not arrive, it was impossible to reach them. "I had a little hypertension," recalls Fabienne Berthaud laughing. "And then we think 'what can we do?' This is where the forest spirits intervene and instead of arriving with twenty reindeer, they arrive with 200 reindeers. to stay ten days with us, they stay three weeks, "she says.

While the director did not know anything about Mongolia or shamanism at the beginning of the project, three years ago, she was struck by the story of this woman who was bereaved: "It tends towards the universal, c is the story of a waking woman who is in. The trip is absolutely fantastic, both geographically and internally. "