Teller Report

“I thought I would be a singer”: Lyubov Aksyonova about her musical career, working with Denis Shvedov and starvation for the role

10/31/2019, 2:09:40 PM

The START streaming service began showing the second season of the series “Former” with Lyubov Aksyonova in one of the main roles. In an exclusive interview with RT, the actress talked about working on the project, the impression of working with Denis Shvedov on the set, and about how she was starving for the role of Yana. In addition, Aksyonova admitted that she would like to start a musical career, and explained why she was jealous of the actor Alexander Petrov.

- The second season of the series “Former” comes out, in which you played the main role. When did you find out that the project was extended, delighted, or thought: “Well, no, I’ve already outlived this story and want to move on”?

- Only now I realized that a year and a half has passed! Of course, I was glad that the video service is starting its second season. I remember, as soon as I found out, before I even read the script, I began to imagine and reflect on how the story will unfold - after all, the second season is probably even more eventful.

- Was it not morally difficult for you to work on this project? The topic is still not the most positive - dependencies. Have you encountered something similar in real life?

- In our time, it’s not some kind of wonder - to see a person under one or another substance. Faced, of course - saw. They told me something, I had to look for something during the preparation. Drugs are already a manifestation of a conflict that is deeper. I tried to pay attention to other points: rather, I was looking for answers to the question of what Jan was looking for, why she needed it.

It is difficult to condemn when you see that even with the most annoying actions people are looking for the answer to very simple questions, looking for happiness and love.

- What advice could you give your heroine? How would you advise her to build her life?

- I thought about this topic. She wouldn’t advise her anything - she herself can advise me. Yana knows what she wants from life, and is confident in herself ... I'm in love with her.

- You and Denis Shvedov probably became friends back in the days of the Major. We were glad that we again got into one project - also for two seasons? How to work with him on one site?

- Just on the set of "Major" Denis and I still did not communicate closely. There were few joint scenes, so they were rare.

One of the shooting days, he told me that he had a project that they were looking for a girl for. He asked, perhaps, to advise me, to give my number or the phone number of my agent. Of course, I agreed. They sent me a script - and here I am. And already at the site of the first season of “Former” we, of course, became friends - there are no options here!

First, Denis is absolutely wonderful. He is an amazing actor and person: sociable and open, easy with him. Denis will not try to put you in an awkward position. You know for sure that you can trust him. It is important for me to feel that you can trust a partner.

  • © Shot from the series “Former” (2016)

- In one of the interviews, Denis said that before the shootings of the second season you "met with the creative team several times and made your suggestions." What suggestions did you make?

- We spent a lot of time with Denis, authors and producers in the analysis. Cinema or series is always a collective creation. One of the essential points for which I spoke was the choice: Is Yana having fun or is she sad? I am sure that Yana is experiencing a certain trauma, she is in pain. We focused on this.

- How has the second season changed compared to the first?

- According to my feelings, in the second season there was more action. But we were recently on the radio, I shared my feelings, and Denis said: “It seems that you participated in the whole action because I didn’t have it.”

By "action" I mean a variety of situations and activities in history - fights, chases, shooting. It was interesting to take part in this, and I think it will be very interesting to watch the viewer.

- Before shooting the first season, you were starving for a month. What did you have to do with yourself for the second season?

- This conditional fasting is liquid nutrition. That is, you drink juices, water, herbal tea with honey, do not eat rough food. This time it was exactly the same, and it seems to me that this is already enough.

- For one of your films, you learned to ride a motorcycle and play the piano. Have you ever had to master something unusual for a role?

- I try for each role to do things that are unusual for me and learn new things. In ordinary life, I would hardly have gone to learn to ride a motorcycle. And here they gave me a big motorcycle that I could barely hold, and ... I went.

Even starving for me is not easy. I love to eat! For me, this is a challenge every time and a very painstaking work.

“I know you like to sing.” Have you thought about a music career?

- How to say. Initially, I thought that I would be a singer, not an actress.

I look with great respect, for example, at Sabina Akhmedova. It is wonderful when an actor is so different, can sing or dance. If I find a musician with whom we will be soul to soul, and he will understand my musical preferences, then I will gladly continue to develop in this direction.

- And if you combine musical preferences and acting skills and, for example, star in a musical ...

- Perfect option.

- You did have such an experience - the series “The Cuckoo” by Gregory of Constantinople?

- Yes. But, unfortunately, there is not my voice. Initially, I recorded all the songs. The producers made this decision, I was not opposed.

  • © Ekaterina Chesnokova / RIA News

- You said that in modern cinema there are not enough actors who “bring their essence to the character”, and you yourself strive for this too. But it happens that you, on the contrary, borrow something from your heroines?

- It seems to me that cinema is a space of education. I see how you can behave in a particular situation.

Like Lyuba Aksyonova, I borrowed a lot from films and from my characters as well. I try on different roles. And it’s normal when you influence something, and it affects you. The movement is from two sides.

- Some actors have directors with whom they are ready to work on any conditions, sometimes without even reading the script ...

“For example, I like what Christopher Nolan does.” I would not refuse to work with him (smiles. - RT ).

- And from the Russian directors?

- With Victor Shamirov. I would like to work with Peter Buslov again - he is one of my favorite directors. With Andrei Zvyagintsev, Anna Melikyan, Boris Khlebnikov ... in general, the list is large, I will not name everyone.

- For some of your colleagues (for example, for Alexander Petrov), the professional goal is the Oscar. Do you have such ambitions?

- There are no similar ones. In part, I even envy Sasha, because he has a clear goal.

My goal, rather, is more focused on the work itself. I like to be in the process, learn mastery, fill the characters, revive them, develop them and develop myself. And if my work resonates and resonates with the hearts of the audience, this is one of the best rewards.