Teller Report

The State Duma evaluated the position of Sullivan on the "Nord Stream - 2"

10/30/2019, 5:15:45 PM

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Foreign Affairs Alexey Chepa commented on the statement made by the candidate for the post of US Ambassador to Russia John Sullivan that the opposition to the construction of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline is one of the US priorities.

“We are building this gas pipeline not in order to exert any kind of“ pressure ”on Ukraine, but in order to ensure guaranteed deliveries of our gas to European countries that benefit from this gas pipeline. I want to remind (Sullivan. - RT ) that this is an international project, ”Chepa said.

According to the deputy, the United States does not care about the interests of other countries, including Ukraine. He emphasized that only their own interests are important to them.

“Moreover, protecting their interests, they do not see everything ahead, (they don’t see. - RT ) how the situation might develop in this case. This is a deeply erroneous approach (Sullivan. — RT ), ”the MP concluded.

Earlier, Sullivan called the fight against Nord Stream 2 one of the US priorities.

According to him, the implementation of the project will provide Russia with “a huge lever of pressure” on Ukraine. Sullivan emphasized that Washington wants to help Kiev, including through the possible stop of SP-2.

On October 30, the Danish Energy Agency issued Nord Stream 2 permission to lay Nord Stream 2.

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