Teller Report

Sullivan called the fight against Nord Stream 2 US priority

10/30/2019, 4:21:45 PM

John Sullivan, a candidate for the post of US ambassador to Russia, said that opposing the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline is one of the priorities of the United States.

According to TASS, the statement was made at a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on the consideration of his candidacy.

“Our primary concern is countering Nord Stream 2,” Sullivan said.

According to him, the implementation of the project will provide Russia with “a huge lever of pressure” on Ukraine.

He stressed that Washington wants to help Kiev, including through a possible “stop” of SP-2.

On October 30, the Danish Energy Agency issued Nord Stream 2 permission to lay Nord Stream 2.

Earlier, the American Congress proposed the introduction of sanctions against pipe-laying vessels and foreign entities playing a key role in the construction of the gas pipeline.