Teller Report

State Duma Appraises Danish Decision on Nord Stream 2

10/30/2019, 1:49:19 PM

The First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Energy Igor Ananskikh commented on RT's issue of permission by the Danish Energy Agency to lay the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline on the continental shelf of the country.

“In fact, there was great confidence that the Danish government would still issue this permission. Because practically along this route Nord Stream-1 passed. And, firstly, the Danish government gave permission, and secondly, there were no environmental problems during the operation of the Nord Stream-1 pipeline, which is also important, ”Ananskikh explained.

The MP also recalled that recently the Danish government gave permission to pass through its territory a pipeline from Norway to Europe, therefore, as the parliamentarian emphasized, there were no grounds to refuse the Nord Stream 2 consortium.

“Unfortunately, they pulled for a long time, probably, someone asked them about it. I am glad that common sense has triumphed. As Miller said that everything is on schedule, and there is no doubt that Nord Stream 2 will be commissioned on schedule — on time, on time, and its work will be fully operational, ”Ananskih concluded.

Earlier it became known that Denmark issued a permit for the laying of Nord Stream 2.

In October, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak noted that the chances of obtaining Danish permission to lay a gas pipeline section remain.

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