Teller Report

Naftogaz commented on Danish permission for Nord Stream 2

10/30/2019, 1:39:44 PM

Denmark’s permission to build Nord Stream 2 is expected; the Danish position has “delayed” the project for some time. This was stated by the head of the Naftogaz company Andrey Kobolev.

“We expected this decision during the fall. Denmark’s principled position delayed the project for a while, but geopolitical weapons cannot be stopped with instruments that regulate exclusively trade relations, ”he wrote on Facebook.

According to him, the effective "counteraction to aggression" at present is the sanctions of Western countries.

“We plan to maximally support Ukrainian diplomats in this direction ... Even more important is the completion of gas market reform and the full implementation of European energy legislation in Ukraine. This legislation will protect us in the same way as it protects the consumers of the European Union, ”he added.

As Kobolev pointed out, the importance of arbitration and litigation between Naftogaz and Gazprom remains.

Denmark previously issued permission to lay Nord Stream 2 on the country's continental shelf.

As noted in Nord Stream 2 AG, the company received permission to build Nord Stream 2 in the exclusive economic zone of Denmark southeast of the island of Bornholm.

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