Teller Report

Medvedev instructed to prepare a project on investment programs of state-owned companies

10/30/2019, 11:10:07 AM

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev instructed the government to prepare a bill on investment programs of state-owned companies, Interfax reports.

“What is not prepared is, in fact, the law on investment programs. We agreed that we will do it, ”Medvedev said.

He noted that the bill is of great importance and will allow to deal with the situation in state-owned companies, in connection with which he asked members of the government to return to this issue.

Earlier, Medvedev said that the tax regime for the self-employed will soon be extended to other regions, in addition to the four in which it currently operates.

It was also reported that the government could increase the number of national projects from 12 to 15.