Teller Report

Germany commented on Danish decision on Nord Stream 2

10/30/2019, 1:33:50 PM

Ukraine should retain the role of gas transit after the construction of Nord Stream-2, said the official representative of the Cabinet of Germany, Steffen Seibert, commenting on the decision of Denmark to approve the laying of the gas pipeline.

“We have always said that in the context of the Nord Stream there is a political side. Gas transit through Ukraine must have a future, ”Tiber quotes Seibert.

According to him, Berlin supports trilateral negotiations of the European Commission, Russia and Ukraine on transit.

Earlier, the Danish Energy Agency issued Nord Stream 2 permission to lay SP-2 along the route southeast of the island of Bornholm.

To date, more than 2,100 km of the gas pipeline have been laid; in the near future, preparatory work and pipe laying near Denmark will begin.

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