Teller Report

Despite the reform of apprenticeship, young people still struggle to find employers

10/30/2019, 6:31:19 AM

The significant increase in the number of apprentices complicates recruitment, while some companies insure that they can not find young people.

The significant increase in the number of apprentices complicates recruitment, while some companies insure that they can not find young people.


What if the apprenticeship reform was already a victim of its success? Just before the summer, the Ministry of Labor welcomed the record number of apprentices in France: nearly 460,000. In September, the flight seems to have continued, so that all young people who turn to apprenticeship do not succeed in finding companies to train them.

One of the great innovations of the reform is that one can start learning at any time of the year. Except that the habits have the hard life: still today, most of the signatures of contracts concentrate on the return. Although the overall number of applications is not yet available, some indications are already coming from the field. In the Apprentice Training Centers (CFA) chambers trades, for example, the workforce is up 3.5% compared to last year, and 4% in CFA BTP.

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"I make a call: you have to hire apprentices!"

As a result of this increase in demand, many apprentices are struggling to find businesses. They are 15,000, just in the network of chambers of trades. Holder of a bac + 2, Sabrine, 24, has been looking for a company for two months to learn photography. "I thought it was going to be simple, but it's not at all I called several photo labs, sent CVs Most of them tell me that they are looking for young people between 18 and 20, and try to make me understand that my age is disturbing, "she explains.

Employers seem to be cautious, having largely repeated, however, that apprenticeship is a path of excellence. The president of the Chambers of Trades, Bernard Stalter, now urges them to move from words to deeds, and to welcome young people who knock on their doors. "This craze for learning has been long overdue, everything is in place, you can hire an apprentice at any time, you can hire a young person up to 30 years old, there are helpers. : you have to hire apprentices! ", he says at the microphone of Europe 1.

Incomplete reform

And yet, some companies are still struggling to find apprentices. For Aurélien Cadiou, who chairs the National Association of Apprentices of France, the reform has not changed anything. "This matching problem between supply and demand has not been solved, we still have young people who come to us saying that they can not find an employer, and employers who tell us that they do not find no youth ", reports this association manager.

However, the government seems to have taken the measure of the problem: he has just entrusted a mission to a senior official, Guillaume Houzel, precisely to facilitate the linking of requests for learning and offers.