Teller Report

With Europe 1, listen to the world change

10/29/2019, 8:09:38 AM

Europe 1 unveils Tuesday, October 29 a new signature and a brand campaign imagined and thought with the agency Romance.

Europe 1 unveils Tuesday, October 29 a new signature and a brand campaign imagined and thought with the agency Romance.

"See you tomorrow 6:00 pm By then, the world will have changed, we will tell you." This sentence, you hear it every morning when Matthieu Belliard entrusts the antenna to Philippe Vandel at 9 o'clock. Indeed, the need to understand the world and its mutations has never been felt so much.

The European and British difficulties in organizing Brexit, global warming, its effects felt all over the world, the advent of new figures like Greta Thunberg or Bilal Hassani embody this transformation of the planet and society. Changes that Europe 1 tells you and decrypts every day, morning, noon and night.

" Listen to the world change " is also the new signature of Europe 1 imagined and thought with the agency Romance. With it, Europe 1 claims its singular radio status which marks the spirits. You can discover it from this Tuesday, October 29 in display with a large-scale national device set up everywhere in France, from Paris and the suburbs of Paris, Bordeaux through Toulouse, Lyon and Lille; but also in the press, in digital and on social networks, in collaboration with the KR Media agency which has been accompanying the station for many years.