Teller Report

The judge allows Mara Torres to reduce 40% on the taxes of the Planeta Prize of which he was a finalist

10/29/2019, 8:00:32 AM

The Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has established in a sentence that the writer and journalist Mara Torres can apply the 40% reduction on taxes

  • Digital meeting.Mara Torres, after being a finalist of the Planeta prize

The Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM) has established in a sentence that the writer and journalist Mara Torres can apply a 40% reduction on the taxes of the prize she obtained in 2012, when she was a finalist of the Planeta Prize for 'The imaginary life '.

Justice considers in this judgment, which advances 'El Confidencial', the appeal presented by Mara Torres against the decision of the Regional Administrative Economic Court of Madrid , which rejects the reduction made by the author in her self-assessment of personal income tax, understanding that this reduction It requires that the award does not entail the "transfer of intellectual or industrial property rights over the works".

As Mara Torres points out in her lawsuit, the author considers that the TEAR makes "a serious mistake", since what the regulation requires is that the prize does not derive from a previous transfer of intellectual property rights .

The ruling indicates that in the event that a prize does not produce any consideration and therefore there is no transfer of industrial or intellectual property rights, the exemption of the financially received by the prize is total, as established by the Personal Income Tax Law. .

On the other hand, in the other prizes, in which there is a consideration, which "is usually the exclusive transfer of the exploitation of the literary work and intellectual property rights over it, they would not be exempt, but they could enjoy of the 40% reduction. " "If these awards are not exempt , it is because there is consideration, " emphasizes the sentence.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Planet Award
  • Personal income tax

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