Teller Report

Best time to see autumn leaves in Okayama

10/29/2019, 11:45:33 AM

In Hiruzen Plateau, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, the autumn leaves are in full bloom, and visitors enjoy the scenery of mountains colored in red and yellow.

Best time for viewing autumn leaves in Okayama Kashiyama Plateau, October 29, 20:38

In Hiruzen Plateau, Maniwa City, Okayama Prefecture, the autumn leaves are in full bloom, and visitors enjoy the scenery of mountains colored in red and yellow.

The best time to see the autumn leaves is around the “Kimodai Observatory” in Shitokuyama, Kashiyama, Maniwa City, near the border with Tottori Prefecture.

The rest area is located on a hill with an altitude of about 900 meters. During this time, you can enjoy the 360-degree panorama of autumn leaves such as beech and maple.

From the rest area, you can also see Oyama in Tottori Prefecture, the highest peak in the Chugoku region.

Visitors enjoyed the deepening autumn by observing the magnificent scenery spreading out in front of them and capturing it in photographs.

A 71-year-old man from Hyogo Prefecture said, “Oyama's autumn leaves come every year because the gradation from green to red is beautiful and very attractive.”

According to the rest area, the autumn leaves are expected to reach a peak in about a week, and the best time is until mid-November.