Teller Report

The Valley of the Fallen reopens after 18 days closed in the absence of polishing the slabs that cover Franco's grave

10/28/2019, 8:06:55 PM

The enclosure of the Valley of the Fallen will reopen its doors on Tuesday from 10 am once the work is finished after the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco and

  • Exhumation: The last part: Francisco Franco leaves the Valley of the Fallen
  • Homily: This was the response read at Mass for the burial of Francisco Franco

The enclosure of the Valley of the Fallen will reopen its doors on Tuesday after 10 am once the work is completed after the exhumation of the dictator Francisco Franco and after having been closed since last October 11.

The opening of the enclosure will be carried out once the sealing and replacement of the black marble tiles on the space occupied by Franco's tomb, as reported by government sources.

In the foreground, mark on the ground at the place where Franco's grave was.

The Valley of the Fallen has been closed for 18 days to facilitate the development of work for the exhumation and subsequent burial of the remains of the dictator, which took place on October 24.

Franco's tombstone has been removed from the basilica of the Valley of the Fallen and instead black marble tiles have been placed without any inscription. The final polishing of them is still missing to resemble those already in the room.

The Secretary of State for Communication has released on Monday several photographs of the interior of the basilica after the works carried out. In the images disseminated by Moncloa, the current state of the space where Franco was buried - awaiting the final polishing of the stones - and its comparison with the image prior to the exhumation of the dictator can be seen.

On the last weekend of September, the last date of which data is known, the monument received 3,221 visits on Saturday 28 and 3,329 on Sunday 29 September. The total number of visitors throughout the month of September was 30,130 people.

Aerial view of the altar, already without Franco's grave.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Valley of the Fallen
  • 20-N
  • history
  • Francisco Franco Bahamonde
  • Franco exhumation

Politics The Government will exhume Francisco Franco before October 25, in full electoral campaign

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