Teller Report

The Federation Council appreciated the statement about the risk of the return of fascism to Ukraine

10/28/2019, 6:36:38 PM

First Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs Vladimir Dzhabarov commented on RT’s statement by Verkhovna Rada deputy Vadim Rabinovich about the risk of fascism returning to Ukraine.

"Absolutely correct. I am also worried about the situation in Ukraine: there fascism raises its head, and we will not even notice this line between nationalism and fascism ... It can be crossed very quickly, ”Jabarov explained.

The senator added that any attempt to revive fascism should be answered, especially in Ukraine, in a country that participated in the defeat of fascism as part of the Soviet Union.

The parliamentarian also cited the example of how representatives of the Azov battalion talk with Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky, how they threaten him and express their disobedience.

“So you can just lose real power. I hope that the healthy forces of Ukraine, and there are immeasurably more, should fight back, ”he concluded.

Earlier, Verkhovna Rada deputy Vadim Rabinovich during the celebrations on the anniversary of the liberation of Ukraine from Nazi invaders noted that there is a risk of fascism returning to the country.

On October 26, it was reported that Zelensky had an elevated conversation with representatives of nationalists during a working trip to the force-breeding area near the village of Zolotoe in the Donbass.

In June, Ukrainian nationalists demolished in Kharkov a bust of the Soviet commander, Marshal George Zhukov.

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