Teller Report

No to Johnson's proposal for a new election in December

10/28/2019, 7:18:38 PM

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson's proposal for re-election on December 12 was voted down in the House of Commons of the British Parliament. The government will, however, present a new proposal for new elections during the evening, in order to circumvent the two-thirds majority law.

The British government needed at least 434 votes to get through the new election, but only 299 members voted in favor.

After the vote, however, Boris Johnson announced that a new proposal on voting will be presented during the evening.

"In some way we have to make our way to a new election," says Johnson according to TT.

Agree on EU proposal

Earlier on Monday night, Boris Johnson confirmed that the United Kingdom agrees to the EU's proposal to postpone Brexit until 31 January 2020.

"Prime Minister Boris Johnson has now confirmed Britain's agreement with the Brexit extension in a letter to EU Permanent Council President Donald Tusk. The EU27 (EU member states without the United Kingdom, editorial) written procedure to formalize the decision will soon begin, "a spokesman for Donald Tusk said in the evening, reports Reuters.

In his letter, Boris Johnson expresses that he does not really want any extension.

"This unwanted extension of Britain's EU membership is damaging to our democracy," Boris Johnson writes in a letter to the EU, according to Reuters.

This article will be updated.

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