Teller Report

Light therapy: light as antidote to seasonal depression

10/28/2019, 10:57:32 AM

Each winter, 5 to 10% of French people are affected by seasonal depression. & Nbsp; To fight against this phenomenon, some French people have adopted light therapy. & Nbsp;

Every winter, 5 to 10% of French people are affected by seasonal lows. To fight against this phenomenon, some French people have adopted light therapy.

Here is the blues of winter. 5 to 10% of French people are affected by seasonal depression each year. In question ? A drop in brightness in winter, especially after the change of time made this weekend, which shortens the days. This is the case of Nathalie in particular, who knows that every year she may plunge back.

Light therapy as effective as an anti-depressant

Now, this 51-year-old woman takes the lead through a light therapy treatment, an exposure to light rays. "Every morning, I start with small five-minute sessions at home, always at the same time, when I wake up, to arrive at about 20 minutes every day, it's like washing my teeth. I have luminettes, it's like glasses that you put on your face.This gives me time to make my tea, to listen to the news.The benefits are quite incredible.In the first year, I felt a change in the next two days. "

Nathalie particularly appreciates this feeling of "rising energy". Loss of concentration in the office, want to eat much more and especially sugar or the impression of having trouble starting the day ... All these warning signs of seasonal depression have disappeared with this therapy. Moreover, scientific studies have shown that light therapy is as effective as an anti-depressant without side effects. One caveat, however, is to buy only those devices bearing the CE mark and the medical device designation. This treatment is also strongly discouraged for people suffering from an eye disease such as retinopathy, AMD or glaucoma.