Teller Report

Forty years of Bronzés ski: "These films have changed my life," says Patrice Leconte

10/28/2019, 4:49:17 PM

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the cult film "Les bronzés ski", its director Patrice Leconte returns to the microphone of Europe 1 behind the scenes of his creation.

On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the cult film "Les bronzés ski", its director Patrice Leconte returns to the microphone of Europe 1 on the backstage of his creation.


After Les bronzés , realized in 1978, it is tour of Bronzés ski , released in 1979, to pass the 40 years mark. On the occasion of the anniversary of these cult films, their director, Patrice Leconte, was invited on Europe 1 to tell the behind-the-scenes of the shootings. "These films were extremely important to me, they changed my life," says the filmmaker, also author during his long ridiculous . "When I started to make films that were not comedies, I happened to meet journalists who questioned me about my filmography and told me a little contemptuous 'we forget Les Bronzés', I replied: 'Are you kidding, how are we forgetting?'

Patrice Leconte still amazes today in front of the audience scores won by Les bronzés . At each rebroadcast, between 7 and 8 million viewers gather in front of the small screen in France. "Films like Les bronzés have been very successful right out of the box but they have really become cult because of the fact that they are on television," says the director. "They have become indestructible."

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"When we did the first film, we thought we'd never do a second part"

How to explain the magic of these films? "People often have the DVD at home but it does not come to the idea to say 'well, I'll look at the tanned'," he notes. "But when it happens on television, there are several million people who are getting married at the same time, there is a sort of virtual communion, which means that the next day we can talk about it at the coffee machine."

Patrice Leconte recognizes however that Les Bronzés 3 did not receive very good reviews. "We are aware of the limits of the film but the film has made almost 11 million entries," he recalls. "If the film was really naze, it would have known very quickly." It does not rule out the release of a fourth episode: "When we made the first film, we decided that we would never do the second part, when we shot the two, we had also say no three ... so we'll see! "