Teller Report

Elected Argentine President Calls for "Free Lula", Bolsonaro Denounces Insult

10/28/2019, 11:48:32 PM

Nothing is going well between Argentina and Brazil, after the election of Alberto Fernandez. The left-wing president elected in Argentina was immediately solidarized with the former Brazilian president whom he asked for release. What made ...

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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro at a ceremony at the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, September 5, 2019. REUTERS / Adriano Machado

Nothing is going well between Argentina and Brazil, after the election of Alberto Fernandez. The left-wing president elected in Argentina was immediately solidarized with the former Brazilian president whom he asked for release. This made the current Brazilian head of state, Jair Bolsonaro, jump.

With our correspondent in Sao Paulo, Martin Bernard

Jair Bolsonaro refused to congratulate the Peronist candidate for his victory in the first round of the Argentine presidential election. The far-right president has even publicly regretted his victory , not hiding his preference for the outgoing president, the businessman Mauricio Macri.

But what really pissed off the leader of the Brazilian far-right is Alberto Fernandez's strong tribute to Lula : " An extraordinary man, " he says, " unjustly detained for a year and a half ."

The elected president spoke in favor of the release of the leader of the Latin American left. Jair Bolsonaro considered this gesture as an interference and an affront to Brazilian democracy.

A heavy climate between Buenos Aires and Brasilia. And diplomats should not be relied on to ease the tension, as the Brazilian Foreign Minister said that " the forces of evil " are now " at the party " in Argentina.

Also to listen: Brazil of Bolsonaro