Teller Report

Death of Al-Baghdadi: France is fine, but that's good news!

10/28/2019, 7:34:17 AM

While it should rejoice at the death of the head of the Islamic State, Al-Baghdadi, France seems to be worried.

While it should rejoice at the death of the head of the Islamic State, Al-Baghdadi, France seems to be worried.

Burials are the usual rendezvous of hypocrites. Obviously, no one braids wreaths to Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi.

Hypocrisy is refusing to weave one to Donald Trump. It is to congratulate him with the lips.

Obviously, it is vulgar that he brandishes the scalp of the Iraqi, by spitting on him. But Americans still curse the enemy. Yesterday, Al Bagdadi. Day before yesterday Saddam Hussein. Previously, Gaddafi, Noriega, Milosevic, Castro, Hitler or Bin Laden. So many incarnations of evil. Tomorrow, Hollywood will write the legend, as we print pious images.

At the Élysée, it is emphasized that it is a stage. Only one step. If the French special forces had liquidated the public enemy n ° 1, the step would be decisive.

To kill Baghdadi is to win a battle, not war, it's true. But that changes lost battles! Then at the kosher Superette of the Porte de Vincennes, in Magnanville, on the Promenade des Anglais, at the parish of Saint Etienne du Rouvray, at the Carrousel du Louvre where patrol Vigipirate as the metro Chatelet, at the police station of the Champs Elysees, in front of Notre Lady, instead of Verdun in Levallois, at St Charles station in Marseille, at Trèbes Supermarket in the Aude, rue Monsigny near the Opera, at the Christmas Market of Strasbourg, rue Victor Hugo in Lyon and also without Doubt at the Prefecture of Police in Paris, we must cut the champagne to the health of Donald Trump. Failing to have slashed ourselves the tyrant Al Baghdadi.