Teller Report

Catherine Ceylac tells her interviews with artists about their love stories

10/28/2019, 3:51:32 PM

Catherine Ceylac, former presenter of "Tea or coffee", publishes a & nbsp; book of testimonials & quot; To love to life & quot; (Editions Flammarion), in which she questions personalities about their loves.

Catherine Ceylac, former presenter of "Tea or coffee", publishes a testimonial book "To love to life" (Editions Flammarion), in which she questions personalities about their loves.


Claude Lelouch, Sandrine Bonnaire, Chedid Louis, Thomas Dutronc ... Fourteen stars, actors, singers, directors, writers, have confided on their loves, happy and unhappy, in Catherine Ceylac's In Love, Life (Editions Flammarion) , former host of the show Thé ou Café on France 2.

"I chose a universal and timeless subject, the business of everyone: to love, to be loved, to be rejected, to separate, to break ...", explains the one who published last year To life, to death . In this previous book, she had already gathered the words of fourteen personalities who were confiding about the disappearance of their loved ones.

Claude Lelouch tells his adventures with actresses

To love, to life is full of new anecdotes. "My first question was: when did you feel a loving look for the first time?" Says Catherine Ceylac. "Another important question: do you think it's foolish to be in love?" Everyone answered me: it is those who think they are not who are foolish.

Director Claude Lelouch recounts in particular his adventures with actresses. "Sometimes, I felt that some wanted to sleep with me for interest and I took advantage, but in general, I slept after giving them a role in my films rather than before," says he in an interview. The singer Thomas Dutronc returns on the painful episode of a separation: "The first time that I broke, I said to him: 'come, I'm going to make you listen something', I passed him the I came to tell you that I'm leaving , and I cried more than the girl I was dropping. "