Teller Report

Two people have strokes every hour in the country

10/27/2019, 10:05:19 PM

According to the consultant of neurology and brain diseases at Rashid Hospital, Chairman of the World Conference of Neurology Dr. Suhail Al Roken, that about 12 thousand people get a stroke in the country annually, stressing that the Dubai Health Authority has begun to diagnose and treat the disease using artificial intelligence techniques.

According to the consultant of neurology and brain diseases at Rashid Hospital, Chairman of the World Neurology Conference Dr. Suhail Al Roken, that about 12 thousand people get a stroke in the UAE annually, stressing that the Dubai Health Authority has begun to diagnose and treat the disease using artificial intelligence techniques.

He said that 50% of stroke patients in the UAE at the age of less than 46 years, compared to 70 years globally, while statistics show one to two people in the country strokes every hour, while the number of infected nationwide between 8000 and 10,000 injured.

He pointed out that the global statistics indicate that about 15 million people globally stroke, 50% of them at risk of death within six months of injury, but innovative therapeutic techniques contribute to reduce the deaths from the disease.

Al Roken explained that Emirates Authority recently introduced new and innovative devices that use artificial intelligence to diagnose and treat strokes. Hemiplegia or total paralysis, thus avoiding exorbitant amounts of money were spent in the process of treatment and rehabilitation of the patient as a result of immediate intervention by the competent medical staff of the diagnosis and determination of the size and location of stroke.

Al Roken pointed out that the rates of stroke in the UAE are alarming, especially since 50% of the injured are in the age of production and work, while the infection is concentrated in about 80% globally at the age of 70 years and above. He added that the establishment of more specialized medical units in stroke in hospitals will accelerate and improve the results obtained by the patient, which requires the provision of multidisciplinary teams with advanced technology, which helps them to manage patients with stroke better, stressing that the presence of such units Helps reduce stroke deaths and complications, integrates telemedicine and digital health tools into the healthcare system, facilitates the transfer of medical case files, and helps improve overall health care.

The World Neurology Congress 2019 kicked off yesterday under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, organized by the World Neurology Association. With the participation of nearly 4000 scientists, doctors and researchers from inside and outside the country.

The conference will include 165 speakers, 265 lectures and seminars, 6 workshops and 6 regional seminars, as well as 45 companies participating in the exhibition, which is one of the world's leading manufacturers and suppliers of medical supplies, equipment and software.

- «Dubai Health» used

Artificial intelligence

In the diagnosis and treatment


And treat them.