Teller Report

Saudi Arabia witnesses the rarest cosmic phenomena after two months

10/27/2019, 4:00:31 AM

A member of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Astronomy, Dr. Khaled Al-Zaaq, confirmed that within two months, Saudi Arabia will witness the rarest cosmic phenomena, according to a tweet to him on Twitter:

A member of the Arab Union for Space and Astronomy Dr. Khaled Al-Zaaq, confirmed that within two months, Saudi Arabia will witness the rarest cosmic phenomena, according to a tweet on Twitter: Years, and will happen again after 83 years. "

He added: `` A ring will be seen in eastern Saudi Arabia towards Hofuf Al-Ahsa at dawn on Thursday, December 26, 1441/29/1441. ''

The solar annular eclipse differs from the total eclipse. During an annular eclipse, the moon is very far from Earth, so it will not be able to cover the entire sun disk, leaving a luminous ring of sunlight surrounding the moon called the "ring of fire.