Teller Report

Russia "No evidence to convince Al-Bagadi to die"

10/27/2019, 9:15:43 PM

Russia says there is no evidence to convince al-Bagadi's death, saying the United States has removed Abu Bakr al-Badhadi, the head of Sunni extremist terrorist groups. According to the Tass, the Russian Defense Ministry yesterday said there is "no evidence to believe that al-Bagadi was removed by US air strikes, and I doubt there was such an attack."

Russia says there is no evidence to convince al-Bagadi's death, saying the United States has removed Abu Bakr al-Badhadi, the head of Sunni extremist terrorist groups.

According to the Tass, the Russian Defense Ministry said yesterday (27) that there is no evidence that al-Bagadi was removed by US air strikes, and that there is doubt.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konaschenko says the Russian Ministry of Defense does not have reliable information on the US removal of al-Bagadi.

"We don't know what kind of support we have had in regards to the flight of the US strain relief zone," he added.

The northern state of Syria is the last point of insurgent resistance against the Bashar al-Sadad regime.

Turkey, which supports rebels, and Russia, which supports government troops, set up a tension-free zone in September last year that agreed to a ceasefire and could not introduce heavy weapons.

US President Donald Trump officially announced the death of al-Bagadi, saying Russia had opened an independent stand for US military aircraft.