Teller Report

Like Obama, 8 years ago, bin Laden? Launching Trump's 'IS lump removal'

10/27/2019, 9:15:31 PM

Last night on May 1, 2011 at 11:35 pm. At the time, US President Barack Obama announced at the White House that "they killed Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden." Major broadcasters in the United States broadcast live the news of Bin Laden's death, which was identified as the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, and watched more than 55 million people watch it at midnight Sunday night.

Last night on May 1, 2011 at 11:35 pm. At the time, US President Barack Obama announced at the White House that "they killed Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden."

Major broadcasters in the United States broadcast live news about the deaths of Bin Laden, which was identified as the result of the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001, and 56.5 million viewers, Nielsen, watched at midnight Sunday night.

About eight and a half years later, 27 days (local time). This time, President Donald Trump staged a "similar conference."

At a 20:20 am holiday, President Trump officially announced the death of Abu Bakr al-Badhadi, a Sunni extremist militant `` Islamic State '' (IS) leader.

As President Trump is caught in various diplomatic confusions, he has made great strides in achieving diplomatic and security outcomes comparable to former President Obama.

In particular, in the face of concerns about the reconstruction of the IS following the withdrawal of US troops from Syria, it looks like the secret card was taken out.

At the press conference, Trump was conscious of the Obama administration's "binladen killings."

The nightmare of the September 11 terrorist has repeatedly emphasized to the vivid Americans that they have actually removed a giant that is bigger than bin Laden.

Al-Bagadi and Bin Laden are both Islamic extremists, and the United States has been tracking the same amount of bounty ($ 25 million, about $ 29.4 billion).

President Trump wrote on his Twitter last night that "a very big thing has just happened!" And the White House was upset when he announced that Trump's big statement was announced at 9 am on the 27th.

President Trump said in an interview that the US special forces were "albecause he died like a dog and a coward."

President Trump refers to Al-Bagadi as "the most tycoon and the most wicked person," and "Osama Bin Laden has become a tycoon as a world trade center (collapsed in the terrorist attacks of 9/11). Was built. "

He added, "It's the biggest we've ever caught."

President Trump, who watched direct operations with key staff, listed the names of Vice President Mike Pence, Defense Secretary Mark Esper, and White House National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien. Is interpreted as

Former President Obama watched Bin Laden killings in the situation room, and the photos were publicly revealed.

Photographed by a White House exclusive photographer and distributed to the media, it is considered a masterpiece that captures the tense and urgent moments of former President Obama, as well as key members of the diplomatic and security team, including Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

President Trump also immediately released a photo of the situation room, featuring Trump and his key staff, who are watching the campaign to remove Al-Badadi.

The campaign to remove Al-Bagadi took place in the face of President Trump's political crisis.

Former President Obama has also boosted his ratings by releasing Bin Laden's killings.

First and foremost, Trump faced international criticism in his recent decision to withdraw US troops from Syria.

President Trump stresses the legitimacy of the withdrawal of US troops, but he did not say that the withdrawal would allow IS in the region to reopen.

Trump is interpreted as an attempt to dismiss the "IS reconstruction" concerns arising out of the "withdrawal of Syrian American troops" by eliminating the "IS mass".

Internally, there is an analysis of whether or not to aim for a breakthrough in the face of so-called "Ukrainian scandals" in which the Democratic Party faces a full-scale impeachment investigation.

However, Trump's excessive self-sufficiency at the press conference is already giving birth.

The Washington Post (WP) says that information has been exposed that goes far beyond what is normally available at these interviews.

The WP pointed out that when he was president, he knew the operation, when it came out to the situation room, how it was carried out, how the wife and children of Al-Bagadi died, and even some descriptions of the eventual situation. .

At a press conference, Trump met at the situation room the day before, saying the attack began thereafter.

He also expelled a bomb vest and exploded when he reached a dead end tunnel while being chased by a dog. He also said that he spent the last moment "crying and screaming and screaming."

It is not unusual to mention the role of neighboring countries.

Trump was the first to mention Russia in expressing gratitude to his neighbors, then to Syria, Turkey, and Iraq.

He added that the Kurds "may have supported the United States in part."

Trump, in particular, says Washington has been known as a "leaking machine" and has not informed the Democratic leadership beforehand, but has shared information with Russia in advance.

But Trump explained to two Republican senators, including Senate Intelligence Chairman Richard Burr and Justice Chairman Lindsey Graham.

"Presidents have usually informed the parliamentary leadership of military-sensitive operations," the WP said. "Trump has shown that he trusts Russia more than Democrats."

In a statement, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, who spoke in a statement, called on the White House briefing, "Please report to the House of Representatives of the (Albandadadi) raid that Russia, not Congressional leaders, first reported."

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)