Teller Report

In pictures .. Office staff after 20 years

10/27/2019, 4:42:48 PM

Health experts have designed a virtual doll in the form of office workers 20 years later, based on data they have collected on 3,000 office workers around the world, if no changes are made to the form of office work, according to the Daily Mail. The doll is curved back, with eyes

Health experts have created a virtual doll in the form of office workers 20 years later, based on data they collected on 3,000 office workers around the world, if no changes were made to the form of office work, according to the Daily Mail.

The doll is curved back, with red eyes and visible bloody veins.

Experts concluded that sitting for hours at offices the way current staff would produce a hump in the back.

Long-term exposure to computer screen rays can lead to red and dry eyes, as well as other health problems such as back pain, headache and weight gain.

Experts called for adjustments to the way they work, such as making sure to choose comfortable seats, taking breaks to walk and look away from the screen.