Teller Report

In Grenoble, a RIC to prevent the demolition of housing

10/27/2019, 11:39:31 PM

In Grenoble, a RIC to prevent the demolition of housing

Grenoble (AFP)

This is a first in France: the inhabitants of a district of Grenoble seized the referendum of citizens' initiative (RIC), dear to the "yellow vests", to try to prevent the partial demolition of their big group.

The Arlequin Gallery, emblematic architectural ensemble of the early 70s mixing social housing and co-properties, obtained the label "heritage of the twentieth century" in 2003, before the urban riots of 2010 tarnished its image.

Opposed to the demolitions envisaged in the contract linking the city led by the ecologist Eric Piolle to the National Agency for Urban Renewal (Anru), some of its inhabitants had already launched a petition in 2016, which had collected 2,000 signatures but remained Without effect.

"The idea of ​​the RIC has sprouted at the end of March when + yellow vests + have shown up to the Villeneuve", the neighborhood where the big group, told AFP Marie Raffin, 66, the collective against demolitions .

Faced with the "diktat of Anru", the opponents have validated in July the organization of a popular consultation by the Citizens Council, a structure established by the Lamy law to facilitate the dialogue on urban issues in priority neighborhoods. explained David Bodinier, from the Villeneuve Popular Urban Planning Workshop.

In the absence of access to the electoral lists, Louise (a retired who wishes to remain anonymous) braved the heat wave and "noted the names of all the mailboxes of the 18 climbs (entrances) of the Harlequin" to constitute as reliable as possible.

After an information campaign, the ballot was held from 14 to 20 October with the support of the "yellow vests" and the Association Droit à logement Isère (DAL 38).

With 526 voters out of 2,276 people voting, the organizers welcomed a 23% turnout, comparable to the European elections in the neighborhood (22%).

At 70%, the inhabitants voted against the demolitions. 25% were for and 5% did not speak. On the strength of this result, the organizers "ask for an amendment to the agreement of 2018 signed with the Anru who acts the opposition of the inhabitants to the demolitions and asks the rehabilitation".

- Case law -

But "on this project, things are signed and engaged," says Maryvonne Boileau, councilor (EELV), delegate to the project of Villeneuve, noting that 450 million were going to be invested in the metropolis in the framework of the convention Anru- 2.

The woman regrets, however, that she could not negotiate "total rehabilitation". "We did not totally succeed what we wanted ... but they have demands on the other side of the table," Boileau added, noting that "the demolition is written into the general regulations of the Anru ".

She believes however that this RIC, even without legal basis, "will lead us to bring the will of the inhabitants during the negotiation for the clause of revoyure of the contract which will begin as of 2020".

Not sure that the inhabitants are satisfied with this response, like Daniel, resident of the climb 10, part of which is promised for demolition.

"This RIC shows that people want to continue living there." Especially since relocation solutions are not always deemed satisfactory by people accustomed to their large duplexes, bright and through.

Christelle, former tenant of 20, called to disappear, has accepted a relocation to 40, for fear of losing his roof. She lost "15 square meters in the process and saved only 10 euros rent".

Others are offered housing 5 km away, far from their ties, and this well-connected area, surrounded by shops and public facilities.

"The tenants parties have priority to relocation but this is done to the detriment of those who are waiting for social housing," says Raphael Beth (DAL 38).

He hopes that this RIC makes "jurisprudence". Just like the "yellow vests" which intend "to capitalize on this experiment to reproduce it on other subjects".

© 2019 AFP

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