Teller Report

A very rare primitive painting of Cimabue auctioned more than 24 million euros

10/27/2019, 3:30:48 PM

Found by chance in a house in Compiegne, a painting of the 13th century was auctioned more than 24 million euros at auction, Sunday.

Found by chance in a house in Compiegne, a painting of the 13th century was auctioned more than 24 million euros at auction, Sunday.

An elderly lady had hung him in his house in Compiegne, between the kitchen and the living room, thinking it was a trivial religious icon. Expertise and authentication later, this painting turned out to be a 13th century gem signed Cimabue, one of the first Italian painters of the Renaissance. Sunday, The Mocked Christ of Cimabue was auctioned more than 24 million euros.

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