Teller Report

5 Trump highlights information about Baghdadi's killing

10/27/2019, 4:54:31 PM

US President Donald Trump said in a White House speech Sunday that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had been killed.

  • Trump insisted that Baghdadi seemed a frightened coward during the operation, and that he fled to a tunnel under the compound, but the US president returned to confirm that the IS leader had a chance to escape and chose to blow himself up with three of his children.
  • Trump stressed the cooperation of Turkey, Russia, the Syrian regime and the Kurds in the process, and thanked them all for this, but the Russian Defense Ministry said that the conflicting information about the US operation raises questions and doubts about its health, especially its success.
  • Confidentiality of the process:
    In this context, Trump pointed out several things, including:
    The Americans received positive information about Baghdadi's presence about a month ago, that he was located about two weeks ago, and that he knew about the operation three days ago.

    He said he did not inform House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in advance because I did not want anyone to be in danger, and he also spoke of fears of shooting as the force flew in the direction of the operation.

    He praised the intelligence work and those behind the operation.

    The US president also said that Russia has opened Syrian airspace in its areas of influence to US forces to launch the operation targeting Baghdadi, but did not know the nature of the mission.
  • Trump confirmed that he had seen the operation with officials from his administration.
  • Trump moved on to talk about oil in Syria, saying he had fueled the Islamic State and its operations, and then stressed that "we must take our share now and make a deal with a global company." .
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