Teller Report

2 bears in a residential area Sitting on a tree 3rd day

10/27/2019, 9:57:31 AM

On the 25th, we found two bears climbing up a tree in a residential area in the center of Katsuyama, Fukui Prefecture.

Two bears in a residential area Sitting on a tree and staying alert on the third day Fukui Katsuyama 27 October 18:51

On the 25th, in the center of Katsuyama City, Fukui Prefecture, two bears were found climbing on a tree in a residential area. Katsuyama City and the police have called nearby residents to refrain from unnecessarily going out.

At around 1:30 pm on the 25th, there was a report to Katsuyama City that a bear climbed a cedar tree in a residential area of ​​Yoshino-cho, Katsuyama City. It was confirmed that there was a bear.

Katsuyama City and the police have set up seven catching traps near the roots of the cedar trees where bears are located, and city officials continue to be vigilant throughout the night. The head bear is still sitting on the tree.

According to Katsuyama City, bears are eating fruits from the oak trees beside the cedar trees. On 27th, the area was closed at 2 pm and the work of removing the fruits of the oaks was performed. It was.

A man who lived nearby said, “I knew there was a bear in the city, but I didn't expect it to go into such a town.

In Katsuyama City, bear sightings were in succession, and this month alone, two people were attacked and injured. Katsuyama City and the police are calling on nearby residents to refrain from unnecessarily going out.

On the 28th, Katsuyama City has contacted parents to pick up and drive their children to nearby elementary and junior high schools and high schools.

Prompt call for harvest due to drought

Katsuyama City is calling on the citizens to harvest the cocoon as soon as possible.

On the 27th of Sunday, no garbage was collected, so the city hall accepted a trap to put the garbage truck on standby and dispose of it. Every day, there were a series of bear sightings, and the citizens immediately brought their bags to the city hall.

The man who lived in the city who brought firewood said, “Because bears have appeared near my house, it is astringent, but I thought it would be bad if I didn't harvest it.”