Teller Report

US expert describes NATO capture Kaliningrad scenario

10/26/2019, 10:24:31 PM

Richard Hooker, senior researcher at the Jamestown Foundation, described a hypothetical military clash between Russia and NATO in the Baltic states. The expert believes that the alliance should consider the possibility of seizing the Kaliningrad region in the event of such a collision.

In his report, Hooker writes that in the event of a hypothetical Russian invasion of the Baltic states, the American and Polish armies should immediately attack the Kaliningrad region.

He notes that the main task of capturing the region is to neutralize the air defense systems located there.

Hooker also clarifies that the capture of Kaliningrad will neutralize the Baltic Fleet, which will lose its port.

On October 21, heavy equipment of the American battalion arrived in Lithuania, which will be deployed in the country for six months