Teller Report

Sports psychologist Raul Fuente's lectures on sports events

10/26/2019, 5:12:48 PM

The KM eSPORT sports event takes place at the Kungsmässan in Kungsbacka during Friday and Saturday. One of the lecturers is sports psychologist Raul Fuentes from Halmstad University.

During the event you will be able to show what you go for in the games Counterstrike and Fortnite. There will also be a series of lectures in sports and gaming.

The lectures include, among other things, what it is like to play computer games as a pensioner and what skills one develops by playing esports.

Talk about how anger outbreaks can be handled

During his lecture, sports psychologist Raul Fuentes talks, among other things, about how world teams in sports have improved their level by learning to think right, calm their nerves and how to get away from the outbursts of anger during games.

- When you are frustrated or have performance anxiety, it often leads to poor performance. By managing these emotions, you can achieve the performance you want, he says.

In the clip he explains, among other things, why it is important to be able to handle frustration and performance anxiety.