Teller Report

Belgium chooses woman as prime minister

10/26/2019, 9:39:53 PM

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has a successor. It is a woman, Sophie Wilmes, member of the Liberal Party (Reform Movement, MR), current Federal Budget Minister. Charles Michel leaves his office to become president ...

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Belgian Budget Minister, French Liberal Sophie Wilmes, 44, was chosen Saturday as interim Prime Minister. Here in Brussels, 1 February 2019. DIRK WAEM / BELGA / AFP

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has a successor. This is a woman, Sophie Wilmes, member of the Liberal Party (Reform Movement, MR), current Federal Budget Minister. Charles Michel leaves his post to become President of the European Council on 1 December. She is the first woman to hold this position in Belgium.

With our correspondent in Brussels, Laxmi Lota

Sophie Wilmes: her name will be proposed to the King to become Prime Minister in current affairs. Current affairs because the country still does not have a government after last May's elections .

This is the first time a woman will occupy 16 rue de la Loi. The minister thanked her colleagues for their confidence: " I measure the responsibility that this implies, " she said. Prime Minister Charles Michel said he wanted to be relieved of his responsibility by the beginning of November so that he could prepare for the presidency of the European Council.

Sophie Wilmes entered politics in the early 2000s, first at the local level, as a municipal councilor, then at the federal level in 2014.

It is therefore the first woman who will occupy the post of Prime Minister, but for a few months only: until the formation of a new federal government or until the organization of early elections if the current political blockage does not find no way out.