Teller Report

A private hospital in Dubai has been closed for three months due to non-compliance

10/26/2019, 10:19:16 PM

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has closed a private hospital for three months, in a continuous step taken by the authority against those who violate the regulations, legislations and controls, medical standards and recognized and approved assets.

Dubai Health Authority (DHA) has closed a private hospital for three months, in a continuous step taken by the authority against those who violate the regulations, legislations and regulations, medical standards and recognized and approved assets.

The Authority said in a statement yesterday, it will not tolerate deterrent action towards any violation of the law, or prejudice the requirements of medical liability, whether the practice or health environment to be available, and the level of services to be provided.

She said that the closure of the hospital was based on the results of the recent audit, where it was found through investigations and field visits proved a number of abuses and irregularities, which would harm public health.

The decision to partially and partially close the hospital was issued for three months, based on the findings of the Medical Practices Committee, and on the basis of Executive Council Decision No. 32 of 2012 on the regulation of the practice of health professions in the Emirate of Dubai.

The Authority's decision clarified that the violations that have been monitored are considered a violation of articles (12) of the Federal Law No. (4) of 2015, regarding private health facilities, which states that «private health facilities are committed to the application of all health, environmental and safety conditions The concerned authorities and the adoption of the code of ethical and professional behavior of practitioners of health professions ».

The audit reports and field visits showed that the hospital did not comply with the clinical instructions and regulations approved by the Dubai Health Authority, which affect the level of services provided to patients in operating rooms and inpatients.

The decision included the closure of all sections of the hospital as a precaution for three months, with the exception of outpatient clinics, and then re-evaluation after the implementation of the recommendations and observations of audit reports, to ensure the health and safety of patients and quality of services, and compliance with standards, controls and health policies, provided that the hospital is allowed to complete the treatment of patients currently resident Reception of new patients.

The closure of the hospital was based on the results of the recent audit.

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