Teller Report

Printed Wislander: "What have I done wrong?"

10/25/2019, 4:30:42 PM

On Friday afternoon, Magnus Wislander was discharged from the hospital after suffering a stroke. SVT Sport met the handball legend in the home on the outskirts of Gothenburg. - You simply ask yourself what I did wrong, says Wislander.

It was Monday that the 55-year-old felt his eyes blacken and he fell to the floor of his workplace.

- Luckily, I got down on my knees first and rolled around. I was lying down and shaking, ”says Wislander, who was constantly conscious.

Mrs. Camilla arrived quickly at the scene and was able to accompany her husband in the ambulance to Sahlgrenska.

What do you say to your wife when you lie there in the ambulance?

- It's like ... It went like a slow LP playing on the wrong lap. I saw the job for her in front of me. We didn't talk much in the ambulance.

- Because I was clear and constantly aware of what was happening, it was scary. There were some thoughts in my head. Not about what has been, but more about what would be ahead and what I would lose. Above all, I thought about the family and what they had to take care of.

What did you see for the future?

- Hard to say. But I associate stroke with having difficulty walking and talking. That you can't take care of yourself simply. There is nothing I would like to end up in. I was very, very scared to be a package.

When SVT Sport hits Wislander, there are no visible signs of a stroke. But the 55-year-old says he quickly gets tired.

Did you feel any fear that it was the end of life?

- It may sound awful to say, but I did not see the fear that way. There was more fear that people would have to see me in a certain state and have to take care of me.