Teller Report

New setbacks for damaged skicro stalls - risk missing out next season too

10/25/2019, 11:54:36 AM

Lisa Andersson got something of a breakthrough last season with a podium place and was ten in the World Cup when she tore off the cross band in March. Now the 21-year-old skier crosses the risk of missing the upcoming season as well. - I've been pretty down, says Andersson.

Andersson was in Mora to run the Sweden Cup in March when the accident occurred. She flew too far in a training bag, ended up in an imbalance and crashed into Sandra Näslund. The front cruciate ligament was pulled off and had to be operated on. Then they believed in a rehab of eight, nine months, which meant November or December.

But rehab has gone slower than expected and Andersson is set to stand over next season as well.

"Feeling I Want Back"

- I probably have to take it more quietly than I thought. I've had more setbacks than I thought I would get. I want to push and end the muscle every day but it doesn't work that way, she tells the Östersund Post.

Andersson is determined to come back and is encouraged by her good results before the accident occurred.

- I think it feels better that you have done something else you do not know what to return to. Unlike if I had no results. I feel like I want to go back, ”she says.