Teller Report

Christophe Maé: "I'm less afraid of a concert than a radio show"

10/24/2019, 5:51:35 AM

Christophe Maé, whose new album, "La vie d'artiste", was released on Friday, was the exceptional guest of Matthieu Belliard's morning on Europe 1. He describes his sources of inspiration for this fifth opus.

Christophe Maé, whose new album, "La vie d'artiste", was released on Friday, was the exceptional guest of Matthieu Belliard's morning show on Europe 1. He describes his sources of inspiration for this fifth opus.


Twelve years later, the tube that revealed it in 2007, Christophe Maé is back with a fifth album, La vie d'artiste , which will be available from Friday in bins and on streaming platforms. This artist's life, the guitarist, singer and composer tells the microphone of Matthieu Belliard and Jean-Philippe Balasse in the morning of Europe 1 and interprets, live and acoustic, his single Les Gens .

>> READ ALSO - "The people", Christophe Maé's highly anticipated new single

For this new album, "I took the time to ask myself, in a studio in the south of France with my musicians," remembers the native of Vaucluse. There are some warm titles. "I enjoyed myself," says the artist, "I like to think that I make French variety, but nourished by world music."

"Being closer to who I am"

In addition to his first single already released, The People , Christophe Maé tells the difficulties of the daily musician in Casting . A memory of an unsuccessful passage for the show Graine de star. "It is also through the failures that we build," relativizes the musician. His title The artist's life is also "a way to drop the mask", he explains, before reassuring: "For me, my life as an artist is to try to be a good musician first of all, a good daddy, a good husband, a good son, it's already a lot of things on my shoulders! "

These family values, Christophe Maé wanted to share with his audience in this new album. "The more you go, the more I want to be close to who I am and tell it in my songs," says the artist. He devotes two songs to his family, in The most beautiful fairy and The same as us , where the voice of his two little boys mingles with his.

On tour in March 2020

If he has "necessarily a little apprehension", the musician is eager to return to the stage. In March, he will begin a big tour, with a first concert at the zenith of Caen. For this tour, it is a point of honor to install the stage in the heart of the concert hall, to preserve its proximity to its audience.

Heard on europe1:

The scene is where I feel the most

The scene, "it's what excites me the most, says the singer, it's in the guts". For him, "the scene is where I feel most secure, the most myself ... (...) I dread less a concert than a radio show!" Christophe Maé says he is lucky to have had "this immense privilege to see the rooms fill up for 12 years".

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