Teller Report

A visit to a museum reveals a woman's cancer

10/24/2019, 7:27:41 AM

A thermal imaging camera at the Edinburgh Museum in Scotland revealed that a four-year-old woman had accidentally contracted breast cancer while visiting the museum.

LONDON (Reuters) - A thermal imaging camera at the Edinburgh Museum in Scotland has revealed that a woman in her fourth decade was diagnosed with breast cancer by accident during her visit to the museum.

According to the British newspaper "Daily Mail", Ms. Pal Gil was walking around the museum with her family very naturally, before passing through a thermal camera in a museum, and notice that glowing spot on her left chest, to run, and immediately went "Gil" For her own doctor and carried out the necessary tests that have already proved that she is a breast cancer patient, and conducted two surgeries to get rid of the disease, and now is doing the third that prevents its appearance and spread in the rest of the body.

For her part, "Gil" told the newspaper "Daily Mail" that she is happy to discover her disease, and thanks the chance that made her stand in front of the camera to discover her disease, stressing that the early detection of cancer prevents a lot of complications for women,

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