Teller Report

Lebanon .. A popular movement unites the Lebanese and confuses politicians

10/23/2019, 7:58:49 PM

Waseem Al-Zuhairi-Beirut

Seven days of continuous Lebanese popular movement in one of the most important stations witnessed in the country throughout its history, due to its calls for economic slogans living and united the Lebanese around the titles of demand, after being divided by political differences and sectarian divisions for decades.

Many observers agree that the civil movement surprised the Lebanese themselves, especially the political forces that seemed confused in how to deal with it, especially that complaining about the reality of living and the spread of corruption does not exclude party rules.

Although most of the forces participating in the government say that the demonstrators' economic and social demands are right, the movement soon expanded to all the provinces, and the sit-ins in some areas of influence of Hezbollah and Amal movement in the south and the Bekaa gained special importance, while the party remains committed to the survival of the current political authority, especially President of the Republic.

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Protection of the Covenant
The writer and journalist Ibrahim Haidar says that Hezbollah has taken a decision to protect the presidency, which was confirmed by the party's Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah personally.

He added in an interview with the island Net that the party also rejects the resignation of the government in the current circumstance because of many considerations related to his situation, being part of its components and decision makers.

He pointed out that the party considers the overthrow of the government a US decision, and that it will fight to keep it, saying that Hezbollah is trying to formulate a set of decisions and directions to encircle this popular movement, in the words of Haider.

On the position of the Free Patriotic Movement, the party of President Michel Aoun and the largest parliamentary and ministerial bloc of the movement, Haidar says that his position is decisive and final against the popular uprising, while hinting to organize demonstrations in some places to prove his presence and show that he has a popular situation rejecting campaigns against the President of the Republic.

Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri said the country was unlikely to remain suspended, expressing fears of a vacuum. He considered that the calculation of the popular movement to achieve the economic paper approved by the government through public pressure.

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Absorb the crisis
In an attempt to absorb popular resentment, many ideas are being circulated, including a cabinet reshuffle in the current government. Haidar pointed out that there are contacts led by the Prime Minister began between the political forces to bring about a ministerial change in some provocative faces of citizens, pointing out that President Aoun refuses to change the head of the Free Patriotic Movement and Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil, but he is open to the possibility of changing other ministers.

Haidar points out differences between the political forces that emerged during the last meeting of the government, explaining that the crisis is the result of the continuation of the popular uprising and the refusal of the movement because the government approved a reform paper to consider it unworkable, in addition to the loss of confidence in the ruling class.

He said that there is no hope to get out of the crisis at least this week, considering that the uprising is continuing and capable of polarization.

The Lebanese Forces 'most clear stance appeared to support the protesters' demands and the resignation of its four ministers from the government.

Haider believes that the position of the Forces Party comes in the context of strengthening its position in the Christian center and entering the side of the movement and support in order to work for the resignation of the government as a whole.

In turn, the Progressive Socialist Party called for early elections in accordance with a non-sectarian election law and a cabinet reshuffle in the current government.

The developments in Lebanon since last Thursday do not appear to be on the verge of a quick solution, but this movement is certainly the latest political shake-up that may push some forces and parties to a different reading of the Lebanese reality.