Teller Report

Install the fifth observation point in Hodeidah .. Houthi continues to breach the truce

10/23/2019, 10:03:35 PM

The Iranian-backed Houthi coup militias continued their breaches of the truce in Hodeidah province on the west coast of Yemen, despite the successful installation of the fifth observation point and the call of the United Nations to install a ceasefire in the province, while Yemeni army forces continued to support the Arab coalition

The Iranian-backed Houthi coup militias continued their breaches of the truce in Hodeidah province on the west coast of Yemen, despite the successful installation of the fifth observation point and the call of the United Nations to install a ceasefire in the province, while the Yemeni army forces supported by the Arab Coalition to support the legitimacy of military operations and advances in the Saada fronts. Joint forces managed to thwart militia attacks and infiltration attempts in four governorates, including Saada, Dali ', al-Jawf and Hajjah.

In detail, Houthi militias continued their breaches and shelling of joint forces sites and residential neighborhoods in Hodeidah Governorate, despite the UN Monitoring Committee's installation of the fifth joint liaison point in Hodeidah City, which includes Liaison Officers from the Joint Forces, Houthi militias and UN observers to monitor the implementation of the provisions of the Sweden Agreement, The committee installed the fifth point in City Max, Sana'a Street, east of Hodeidah.

Field sources in the joint forces confirmed that Houthi militias bombed Al-Mughris area in Al-Tahita district south of Hodeidah, wounding a civilian, as well as Al-Faza area with Katyusha rockets and targeting southeast of Hays with artillery shells and heavy and medium weapons.

The continued Houthi breaches in Hodeidah, after the United Nations said yesterday that the head of the UN mission, Abhijit Guha, welcomed the establishment of checkpoints aimed at facilitating the reduction of escalation between the two sides of the war.

The statement added that the parties concluded agreements in writing at the monitoring sites, and deployed liaison officers at each observation point, and called on all parties to work to support efforts to stabilize the ceasefire in Hodeidah.

The Houthi escalation also came after the UN envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths yesterday praised the deployment of ceasefire checkpoints in Hodeidah, saying in a tweet through his official account on his social networking site «Twitter»: «I welcome the establishment of joint monitoring points and the deployment of officers "This step would promote calm in areas of tension and save lives," he said.

In addition, the Yemeni army forces suffered Houthi coup militia heavy losses in equipment and lives, while thwarting an infiltration and detour carried out by militia elements in the Directorate of filling in Saada province.

A military source in the Ninth Brigade, Border Guards, said that the brigade's forces foiled the process of wrapping and infiltrating the militias and the coalition artillery bombed the militia positions and reinforcements.

The Yemeni army, backed by coalition fighter jets and artillery, made extensive advances yesterday at the Rezamat Front in Naqaa. Sa'ad Brigade Commander Brigadier Mohammed al-Ghunaimi said that the army had cut off the supply line between the villages of 'Ar' and 'Naqaa' and flattened militia fortifications. And the loss of life and gear.

Brigadier General al-Ghunaimi said that coalition helicopters targeted a militia training camp in Naqaa with heavy shelling, while the brigade's forces advanced under cover of artillery and aviation, and destroyed the positions used by the militias as a training and support center.

Field sources in Saada confirmed that the commander of the Al-Samad brigade of the Houthi militia, Hamza al-Shaabani, was killed in clashes with the Yemeni army in al-Malaheit area in al-Zahir district, during which dozens of militiamen were killed.

The Yemeni army forces, supported by the coalition, continued to secure the liberated areas in the Razih Border Directorate from mines and explosives, and engineering teams and combing units carried out large-scale operations in the areas of «Beit Hasharan, Mataq, Al-Atam, and Arisha», while army units continued to advance towards the areas of Ali and Bani Supported by coalition fighters.

The field sources in Razih that the artillery of the Yemeni army and coalition forces bombed militia positions in the Directorate, and other sites belonging to the Houthis in the Directorate of Baqim north of the province.

In Dhali, the joint forces foiled an attempt to infiltrate and attack a new Houthi militia towards the liberated areas, towards the strategic camp of al-Jub southwest of Qataba, and field sources said that more than 23 Houthis were killed or wounded during the clashes.

Reinforcements of the Houthi militias arrived in the vicinity of Dali from Dhamar, Amran and Ibb as part of the Houthis' quest to recapture the recently lost towns in the north and west of the Dali, especially the areas of Jub and Fakhir.

Houthi militias bombed a camp for displaced people on the outskirts of the city of al-Fakher with mortar shells, which led to large fires inside the camp, according to local sources confirmed that dozens of displaced families fled the camp as a result of the shelling, pointing to the deaths and injuries among the residents as a result of the Houthi bombing.

In Hajja, a number of Houthi elements were killed and others were injured in a military operation carried out by the Yemeni army forces of the fifth military area targeting Al-Tina area north of Abs Directorate. The attack came after the militias attempted to infiltrate army positions in the area, prompting the forces to respond to the attack.

In al-Jawf, Yemeni army forces thwarted yesterday an infiltration of Houthi militias in the north of the province.Al-Azm brigade commander in the sixth military area, Brigadier General Al-Azm Brigade Brigadier Hamid Abu Hudra, said that a group of Houthi militias tried to advance towards army positions in Khub and al-Shuaf Directorate. But the army repelled the militia's attempt and forced its members to retreat and flee, after suffering casualties in its ranks.

 € تقدم The Yemeni army continues its progress in Sa'ada with the support of the coalition and the militias suffer great losses.