Teller Report

I mentioned 'Agreement with the South' before the demolition… Hyundai Asan 'Embarrassed'

10/23/2019, 7:58:32 PM

The tour of Mt. Kumgang, which began with the launch of the cruise ship Kumgangho in November 1998, was discontinued in 2008 after being hit by tourist Park. Since then, major facilities have been left in the north for more than a decade.


The tour of Mt. Kumgang, which began with the launch of the cruise ship Kumgangho in November 1998, was discontinued in 2008 after being hit by tourist Park. Since then, major facilities have been left in the north for more than a decade. In addition to cultural centers owned by the Korea Tourism Organization, Haegeumgang Hotel, which Hyundai Asan directly invested, and other facilities such as golf courses, karaoke, and pensions owned by civilians are being considered for demolition.

If so, today's reporter Kim Young-eun will continue to tell us what our government thinks about this statement.


The government refrained from responding directly to Kim Jong-un's unprecedented pressure to demolish South's assets.

This is not an official announcement by the North Korean authorities, but a matter that was reported through the state media.

[Kim Yeon-cheol / Minister of Unification: I will check the specifics and respond at the level of the Unification Ministry. As far as I'm concerned, .]

Then he handed over the ball to North Korea.

Chairman Kim has ordered the removal of the agreement with the South, which means that consultations between the authorities can be made at any time, if requested by North Korea, in order to protect the people's property rights, reconcile the spirit of inter-Korean agreements, and resume Kumgang tourism.

The problem is that in consultation with North Korea, the government does not have a card.

The sanctions of the international community and North Korea's demolition facilities have already been confiscated or frozen, and no public corporations, such as tourism corporations or private corporations, have ever exercised ownership.

Hyundai Asan, who had been preparing to resume the tour of Mt. Kumgang, loved it but did not conceal its embarrassment.

The Blue House noted the conditions for the removal of the agreement with the South and expressed hopes that the talks could be triggered by negotiations between the two Koreas, despite progress in North Korea negotiations.

(Video coverage: Kim Won-bae, Video editing: Kim Ho-jin)

▶ KIM criticizes Mt. Kumgang "Sprout a tattered South Korean facility"
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