Teller Report

EU UK will conclude this week as early as possible

10/23/2019, 8:00:29 PM

As the UK becomes difficult to leave by the end of this month based on an agreement with the EU = European Union, the EU ...

EU Britain ’s request to postpone withdrawal as early as this week

As the UK becomes difficult to leave by the end of this month based on an agreement with the EU = European Union, the EU will respond as soon as possible to conclude this week regarding the request for postponement of the UK's withdrawal. Will be noted.

In the United Kingdom, the Johnson administration left the EU as of the end of this month, so a proposal was made to the House of Representatives for a schedule to discuss and vote on related bills in three days, but it was rejected.

As a result, it is inevitable that the withdrawal should be postponed in order to avoid “no withdrawal” from the EU.

Prime Minister Johnson has already requested the EU to postpone the withdrawal deadline until the end of January next year according to the law, and the EU's response is the focus.

EU countries are expected to approve the postponement, but there is an opinion that the period should be shorter than the three-month postponement required by the United Kingdom. Is proceeding.

In addition, approval is a policy that will proceed in a written summary procedure, but Ireland's Prime Minister Baracker said on the 23rd in Congress, “If each country does not agree with the written procedure, a summit meeting will be held on the pros and cons of the postponement. "In that case, a summit meeting will be held on the 25th or 28th of this week and mentioned the possibility of drawing a conclusion.

If a relatively long three-month postponement is recognized, the view that Prime Minister Johnson will hit the general election is growing, and the EU's judgment is drawing attention.

Prime Minister Johnson “The postponement of withdrawal is not our will”

British Prime Minister Johnson said at the parliament on the 23rd that the EU had decided to postpone the withdrawal deadline that it was not his will and said, “It will be a national interest to leave at the end of this month. “The people don't want to postpone, so we should wait for how the EU will decide on postponement and hold a general election.”