Teller Report

Bennison in the national team for the first time

10/23/2019, 12:42:46 PM

Rosengård's super promise Hanna Bennison, 17, has been selected for her first international squad. She is included in Peter Gerhardsson's squad against the reigning world champion USA on away schedule in two weeks. - I haven't talked to her yet but taken it through coach, says the associate captain Peter Gerhardsson.

- But I'll call her in person this afternoon, Gerhardsson promises.

It will be the toughest possible resistance as the newly created World Champion USA waits in Columbus on November 7.

"Such matches against the US are important, to be able to meet such good resistance," said the associate captain Peter Gerhardsson at the press conference.

On Sunday Bennison became Swedish champion with Rosengård and today came the next milestone in the young career. During the year she has made great strides and after her debut in Rosengård's A-team last winter, she is a given starting player in the club team.

- During the year in Rosengård, the U23 and F18 national teams, Hanna has shown that she has a very high maximum level. If you join as a 17-year-old in an A-country team, you are of course very interesting - both now but of course in the future. An extremely exciting player, says Gerhardsson.

Votes were also raised for Bennison to attend the World Cup this summer, which ended with a bronze for Sweden, but then she had to stay at home.

- Funny that I was mentioned, but I think it's a little bit left, Bennison told SVT Sport about being "selected" in expert Daniel Nannskog's own World Cup squad.

Here is Bennison's first Swedish goal (5 / 5-2019):

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Hanna Bennison scored her first Swedish goal. Photo: Photo Agency / Archive