Teller Report

A deputy of Cs charges passengers of 'BlaBlaCar' on the trips paid by the Andalusian Parliament

10/23/2019, 8:39:29 PM

The deputy of Citizens Andrés Samper has charged passengers to take them in their private vehicle on the trips paid by the Andalusian Parliament. The amounts you have received

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The deputy of Citizens Andrés Samper has charged passengers to take them in their private vehicle on the trips paid by the Andalusian Parliament. The amounts that he has received, for journeys from Seville to Almeria, are totally incompatible with the travel allowances of 410 euros per month that he receives from the Andalusian Chamber. These diets are added to the monthly salary of 3,749.21 euros charged as an Andalusian parliamentarian.

The deputy Samper, who is the 'number 2' of Cs by Almeria , took advantage of his trips from the city of Almeria, where he lives, to Seville, where the headquarters of the Andalusian Parliament is, to take passengers in his private car 'Bla, bla, car', an online platform that connects drivers with available seats with passengers looking for a trip. For each trip he charged 24.50 euros .

After uncovering on Wednesday the incompatibility of the deputy of Cs the account @VillaDiestra on Twitter, Samper has announced, through a tweet, that he will return the travel allowances of the Andalusian Parliament corresponding to the month of October. Between October 16 and 23, the deputy has made four trips through the 'Bla bla car' platform and has charged a total of 98 euros to four passengers who accompanied him on four different journeys, as sources have told EL MUNDO sources of Cs.

" I publicly acknowledge my mistake , I apologize to those who may have offended and I deeply regret this improper behavior of my deputy status," said Samper in his Twitter account.

The sources of Cs consulted have explained that it was the son of the deputy who recently discharged his father in 'Bla bla car' to make the trips from Seville to Almeria accompanied by a passenger who gave him conversation. He did so after Samper gave a nod at the wheel a couple of times on the way back to Almeria after the long plenary sessions in Parliament. One of those mishaps, as explained by Cs, was before the summer, when he even ran over a dog and another was a couple of weeks ago at the height of the Granada town of Loja.

"There is no intention to profit," said the sources of Cs, who rule out taking action against Samper, who is a nutritionist and has been released as a deputy in this legislature, which began last December 2018.

Initially, Samper has denied on his Twitter account that it was true that he had charged travelers from the 'Bla bla car' platform. " I flatly undo that news information! Someone has taken a picture of me to publish that!", He published in a tweet that he soon deleted. However, he has finally acknowledged that it is true and has apologized. The sources of Cs have attributed the whole issue to the lack of knowledge about the functioning of the Andalusian Chamber that has a person who has been oblivious to politics.

In his profile in 'Bla bla car', Andrés Samper is presented as a "person with a lot of experience behind the wheel , more than 30 years of license, that for work reasons I make the Almeria-Seville route every week. Outgoing person and with good conversation. I would like to share travel. " The car used for travel is a Mercedes class C , the vehicle that appears in its declaration of assets and interests.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Almeria
  • Citizens
  • Andalusia

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